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Why do you think all of us want to visit NASA?

December 19, 2020

Course Information

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About This Talk

In this vTalk, Kids will research, understand, learn and teach what NASA is. Here are some helpful tips for the talk.

  • What does NASA stand for?
  • Where is NASA and what exactly do they do?
  • Do you know some of the space explorations done by NASA?
  • What was the first satellite launched?
  • How many satellites are currently in space? Any guesses?
  • Do you know who owns the International Space Station (ISS)?
  • Where is ISS located?
  • Bonus points if you know SpaceX !!!
  • What planets and moons have been explored so far by NASA???
  • Did you know we sent probes to comets as well?

Question for thought: How do we launch things into space?

Age Group/Grade Level

2nd, 3rd, 4th grades

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