
Slide Virtual PlayDates Playdates + Smart Learning = vPlaySmart Learn More Collaborative Learning Your Favorite Clubs Explore vPlay Learn Now Slide Small Groups Smart Learning Professional Mentors + Smart Learning Techniques Learn More

Playdates Never Get Easier

Know why we are best

Virtual Playdates

Critical thinking and Creativity

Communication and Collaboration

Book Reading and Language Skills

Self-Confidence and Public Speaking

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Socialize with Buddy Groups

Programs that build child’s life-long learning skills are essential for a bright future. VPlay provides an all round development for the kids that complements the traditional classroom learning.

Learning clubs like Book Club, Debate Club and Story Telling Club

Fun Clubs like Dino Club, Chess Club and Music Club

Focus on STEM activities

Provided with Experimental Examples

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Small groups - Smart Learning

vPlay gives young children the best opportunity to try different activities to be more creative and understand and bring out their inner talents. Virtual group setting, especially with their close buddies motivates and encourages children to open up and speak freely making learning a fun activity.

Professional Mentors

Quick Crash Courses

Social interaction among the group

Certification Awarded

Learn more about Clubs

Learn Anything


Future Genius


Unlimited fun


Expert professionals

Never leave your best buddies

Playing via vPlay never gets Easier

Learn while you play with your buddy clubs

Book Club
vTalk Club
Chess Club

Parent’s approval Checks
vPlay make sure every playdate is approved by the parent to make sure your children is talking to your known circle.

Safe Content
Content is carefully curated by professionals who have vast experience in teaching and mentoring

This is our highest priority to secure environment for all the learning and play your children will have.

Smart Kids - Smart Learning

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vPlay emphasizes on 21st-century skills that are more important to students now than ever before to help not only their class room learning but in their real life.

21st Century's Education Skills

See how "Smart" they are playing

A sample Playdate
A Sample BookClub Session

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Learn Something wherever you are

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