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My favorite season of the year is…


Clean drinking water is essential for our health. Water containing bacteria or viruses can make us very sick. Unfortunately, not everybody has access to clean water from centralized water plants. However, nearly everybody nowadays has a smartphone! That’s why we developed a small device and an app which can be used with a smartphone to kill harmful bacteria in water. It could mean that people without a clean water supply can easily disinfect their drinking water and avoid getting sick.

October 10, 2022

Course Information

Estimated Time: 5 Hours

Difficulty: Beginner

Categories: ,

About This Talk

In this vTalk, Kids will research and learn about their favorite season.

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Introductory Questions
  • What are some fun outdoor activities that you enjoy doing during the summer?
  • How does the warm weather in summer make you feel? Do you prefer warm weather or cold weather?
  • What are some special treats or snacks that you like to have during the summer?
  • Do you have any favorite memories or experiences from summer vacations or trips?
  • What are some ways you like to stay cool when it’s hot outside during the summer?
  • How does having longer days during the summer affect the activities you can do?
  • What are some ways people celebrate summer holidays like Independence Day or Labor Day?
  • Do you have any favorite summer traditions or activities that you look forward to each year?
  • How does the arrival of summer change your daily routine or the things you do with your family and friends?
  • If you could create your own summer adventure, what would it be like and what activities would you include?
Question for thought:

What are some creative ways we can enjoy the benefits of summer, such as outdoor fun and longer days, while also being mindful of the environment and taking care of our planet?

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